ID: 8764  -  Gigliola Sacerdoti Mariani  -  Firenze
Type: Text
Medium: BookExtent: 4 pp.
Source: Berg Collection
Title: MediterraneanSubtitle:
Alternative: [Wreckage of War]
Creator: Rukeyser, Muriel
Role: AuthorName: Rukeyser, Muriel
Created: 1937
Date: Issuedin/on: 1938
Language: English
Relation: IsPartOf
Relation: HasPart
Relation: IsVersionOf
Qualifier: Mediterranean
Qualifier: Wreckage of War by Francisco Goya, on the cover.
Qualifier: Mediterranean
Place: Time:
Description: This booklet contains a version of “Mediterranean” which is slightly different from the original one, that had appeared in New Masses in 1937. On its back cover, the following appeal for funds is printed under the meaningful title Today in Spain: “Eight American hospitals have been established by the Medical Bureau to aid Spanish Democracy. One hundred and thirteen surgeons, nurses and ambulance drivers, with fifty two ambulances and tons of medical equipment are saving hundreds of lives daily. What you contribute today, will receive the heartfelt thanks of a heroic people”
Subjects: Places
Subjects: Places
Subjects: Identity
Subjects: Identity
Subjects: Identity
Subjects: Identity
Subjects: Identity
Subjects: Displacement
Subjects: Exchanges
Subjects: Definitions of Culture
Subjects: Internationalism/Transnationalism
Subjects: Internationalism/Transnationalism
Subjects: Internationalism/Transnationalism
Subjects: War
Subjects: War
Subjects: Wo/Men
Subjects: Wo/Men
Subjects: Wo/Men
Subjects: Identity
Keywords: Spain
Keywords: US
Keywords: anti-fascism
Keywords: consciousness raising
Keywords: democracy
Keywords: poetry
Keywords: politics
Keywords: Rukeyser, Muriel
Keywords: US
Keywords: anti-fascism
Keywords: co-operation
Keywords: democracy
Keywords: Europe
Keywords: Barcelona
Keywords: Spain
Keywords: artists
Keywords: Rukeyser, Muriel
Keywords: writers
Keywords: Modernism
Query Subject+Keyword: (Places, Spain)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Places, US)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Identity, anti-fascism)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Identity, consciousness raising)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Identity, democracy)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Identity, poetry)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Identity, politics)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Displacement, Rukeyser, Muriel)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Exchanges, US)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Definitions of Culture, anti-fascism)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Internationalism/Transnationalism, co-operation)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Internationalism/Transnationalism, democracy)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Internationalism/Transnationalism, Europe)
Query Subject+Keyword: (War, Barcelona)
Query Subject+Keyword: (War, Spain)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Wo/Men, artists)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Wo/Men, Rukeyser, Muriel)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Wo/Men, writers)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Identity, Modernism)
Comment: The Spanish Civil War is the theme which unifies a large portion of Rukeyser’s poetry and “Mediterranean” is her first major poem about her experience in Spain. This booklet confirms Rukeyser’s belief in the need for social concern on the part of the writers: it is a concrete affirmation of her conception of poetic responsibility. It is an answer to the question which is posed in the poem itself: “Where is the place for poetry?”.
See records 8354,8526,8596,8794,8765.