ID: 8892  -  Giovanna Covi  -  Trento
Type: Text
Medium: ArticleExtent:
Title: Editorial: The Third YearSubtitle:
Creator: Marson, Una
Role: Name:
Date: Issuedin/on: 1930-05
Language: English
Relation: IsPartOfQualifier: The Cosmopolitan
Place: Kingston, JamaicaTime: 1930
Description: Marson's editorial for the third year of her magazine calls for social reforms--such as development of local industries, technical education, housing conditions, better lighting of the water front, irrigation to prevent drought damages--and cultural reforms--request for betetr and cheaper books, the development of the ruly beautiful and simple things of life instead of the sordid, artificial, luxurious, sophisticated and material. It points out: we have urged that women be given right to participate in the life of the nation.
Subjects: Nationalism/Regionalism
Subjects: Wo/Men
Subjects: Definitions of Culture
Subjects: Nationalism/Regionalism
Keywords: cultural movements
Keywords: equal opportunities policy
Keywords: developing countries
Keywords: developing countries
Keywords: independence movement
Query Subject+Keyword: (Nationalism/Regionalism, cultural movements)
Query Subject+Keyword: (Wo/Men, equal opportunities policy)

Query Subject+Keyword: (Nationalism/Regionalism, independence movement)
Comment: Interesting definition of the title of the magazine: cosmopolitan stands for a wider spirit and vision, a more charitable and tolerant attitude; it is promoted to counter snobbishness and develop cooperation with the consciousness that Jamaica needs material progress as well as cultural heritage. The coclusion practically addressed the traffic problem in King Street by underlining that no foreign expert is needed to solve the parking problem, which any simple layman with an average amount of common-sense ought to be able to handle satisfactorily.