ID: 9744 - Biancamaria Tedeschini Lalli - Roma Type: Text | |
Format: |
Medium: | Extent: |
Identifier: Source: Lorusso, N.S. Edward, Afterword, University of Maine, 1987 |
Title: Afterword | Subtitle: |
Alternative: |
Agents: Creator: Lorusso, Edward N.S. |
Role: Author | Name: Lorusso, Edward N.S. |
Created: 1987 |
Date: Issued | in/on: 1987 |
Language: | |
Rights: |
Relation: IsPartOf | Qualifier: Barney, Natalie - The one who is legion |
Coverage: |
Place: | Time: |
Description: |
Subjects: Wo/Men Subjects: Wo/Men Subjects: Places | Keywords: Barney, Natalie Clifford Keywords: Lorusso, Edward N.S. Keywords: France | Query Subject+Keyword: (Wo/Men, Barney, Natalie Clifford) Query Subject+Keyword: (Wo/Men, Lorusso, Edward N.S.) Query Subject+Keyword: (Places, France) |
Comment: Lorusso connects Barney and Brooks in the creation and actual writing of this book, reprinted in 1987 from 1930 one |
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